Idaho DEQ Catalog of Stormwater Best Management Practices
Idaho, USA
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
A statewide catalog resource for best management practices for stormwater management
About the project
The Catalog of Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) published by Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) provides general information on permitting requirements for stormwater discharges, developing a stormwater management plan, selecting stormwater BMPs, and technical information on the design, installation, and long-term maintenance of stormwater BMPs that prevent contamination of surface waters from stormwater runoff.
How we did it
Harmony Design and Engineering was the prime consultant responsible for completing a comprehensive update to the 2005 version of the BMP Catalog. Harmony was the primary author and collaborated with Idaho DEQ staff, as well as two subconsultants that provided quality control review, Stantec Consulting and Geosyntec Consulting. The update included changes to make the Catalog easier to use, additions to the Catalog, and revisions to more than 100 temporary and permanent BMPs.
To facilitate use, Harmony reorganized the Catalog and condensed five volumes into a single document by eliminating repetitive information reformatting the BMP Fact Sheets. The hydrologic and hydraulic guidance sections were re-written to be clearer and easier to follow. Harmony composed new chapters on green infrastructure, low-impact development, cold weather climates, mountainous terrain, and innovative BMPs that were added during the update process.
Modifications and updates to each BMP were extensive. Each BMP fact sheet was edited to include prescriptive design guidance while incorporating the latest technologies and practices. Each BMP fact sheet now includes a description and photo of the BMP, information on where and when the BMP is most applicable, what limitations may affect its use, as well as design, construction, and maintenance guidance.