Jackson Lake Lodge Stormwater Master Plan
Moran, WY, USA
Grand Teton National Park
Stormwater management plan and low-impact development recommendations
Hydrologic Analysis
Modeling & Simulations
About the project
The Jackson Lake Lodge (JLL) Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) is a comprehensive overview of the existing conditions on the JLL property as well as a guide for future development and long-term maintenance of an integrated and functional stormwater management system. Objectives of the SWMP included to develop solutions for storm drainage problem areas and to provide an implementation plan for the installation of stormwater management infrastructure and best management practices (BMPs). The plan included a variety of Low Impact Development BMPs that improved stormwater quality to prevent contaminants such as oil and grease, sediment, nutrients, and other pollutants from entering into nearby surface waters.
How we did it
Harmony Design and Engineering completed a comprehensive evaluation of existing infrastructure using topographic aerial surveys, visual observations, and record drawings of the facilities. A hydrologic analysis was subsequently performed using SWMM, a dynamic rainfall-runoff simulation model. This analysis helped Harmony identify and verify the locations most prone to flooding based on tributary drainage areas. Using this data and the unique characteristics of each problem location, a variety of best management practices (BMPs) for stormwater management were recommended, including bioretention basins, vegetated infiltration trenches with catch basins, seepage pits or dry wells, water quality inlets, and vegetated swales.
The final SWMP report was completed April 2016 and has been used to guide parking lot and roadway improvement on the Jackson Lake Lodge site. The SWMP includes three phases for implementation and an inspection and maintenance manual that will help ensure that the system continues to function for years.