Jackson Pathway Safety Improvements
Jackson, WY, USA
Town of Jackson
Balancing mixed-use paths with changing demand, including e-Bikes, dogs, kids, and pedestrians
Public Outreach
About the project
The Town of Jackson, Wyoming has a robust population of outdoor recreationists, active commuters, and visitors using its public spaces and pathways. The mix of user types and volume has increased in recent years, creating the need for educational, regulatory, and engineering measures to reduce speeds and user conflicts at specific pinch points on Town of Jackson pathways. Two identified ‘slow zones’ were chosen to receive interventions. The main location is Russ Garaman Park, a site where a pathway used by high-speed e-bike commuters, pedestrians, and cyclists passes through a small public park frequented by parents and small children, dog walkers, and other slow or stationary visitors. The second location is a pathway adjacent to recreational fields which see heavy use during sports events, creating potential conflicts between parking access, high speed pathway travelers, and groups of spectators.
How we did it
Harmony Design & Engineering is collaborating with Jackson Hole Community Pathways, Parks and Recreation, and the Russ Garaman Foundation to assess context and existing conflicts and issues at each individual site. Harmony compiled background information using the latest standards and best practices set forth by the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), and the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
Based on these resources, our engineers, landscape architects, and planners created construction plans and an implementation plan for the chosen treatments that include physical barriers as well as visual indicators to encourage behavioral changes. By creating safe conditions for a variety of commuters and recreators, the Pathway Safety Project can act as a case study for managing user conflicts while encouraging multi-modal travel.