Summit Storage
191 Rodeo Drive, Driggs, ID, USA
Attractive self-storage units north of Driggs within the Hwy 33 scenic corridor
Civil Engineering
Sewer System Design
Landscape Architecture
About the project
Summit Storage is a large self-storage facility in Driggs, occupying 4.13 acres on SH 33. The facility includes five storage unit buildings and is surrounded by landscaping to buffer it from the highway and neighboring uses. Attractive buildings and thoughtful landscaping choices create a welcoming site, improving the northern gateway to the City of Driggs.
How we did it
Harmony provided a full spectrum of services for this project, from start to finish. These included planning and procedural expertise to achieve a boundary line adjustment before site design could begin, including dedication of an easement for a future multiuse pathway. Once a site design was conceived, the project was reviewed and approved by the Driggs Design Review Committee and Planning & Zoning Commission, for compliance with design standards. These were mainly concerned with creating appropriate landscaping strips to buffer and add aesthetic value to the storage buildings. The resulting landscape plan incorporates trees and shrubs, bioretention swale, snow storage area, and additional landscape coverage with native meadow plants to decrease the impervious area within the site.
The project also required civil engineering to design sewer service, including a lift station, grading and erosion control plans, stormwater management, and a highway access.