Teton County Idaho Recreation Master Plan
Teton County, Idaho, ID, USA
City of Driggs and Teton County
Teton Valley has abundant natural outdoor recreation opportunities, but lacked a comprehensive recreation and public access plan.
Public Outreach
Community Planning
About the project
Nestled between the Big Hole Mountains and the Teton Mountain Range in eastern Idaho, Teton Valley has abundant natural outdoor recreation opportunities, but lacked a comprehensive recreation and public access plan. The geographical scope of the Plan included the jurisdictions of Teton County, Idaho and the cities of Victor, Driggs, Tetonia, and Felt, as well as the town of Alta, Wyoming, and the area of Teton County, Wyoming, located on the western slope of the Tetons.
How we did it
Harmony Design & Engineering was the lead consultant and worked with Ballard*King and Associates from Denver, Colorado, to provide a high quality and professionally informed plan within the moderate budget available.
The Recreation Master Plan for Teton County not only provided an inventory of existing facilities and an analysis of the needs of the community, it also included ways to incrementally improve existing facilities so they could continue to be positive community attributes. It provided a framework for making recreation and public access even better, which would allow the valley to grow economically, socially, and physically. This included options for funding and concrete implementation steps.
Harmony worked closely with a twenty-four-person Advisory Committee with representatives from all recreation program and facility providers in the county. The overall planning process included an initial inventory of existing recreation programs and facilities and a needs analysis that was based on an online survey and supplemented with information gathered by the consultant team and the Advisory Committee.
The Master Plan was adopted by Teton County, the City of Driggs, and the City of Victor during the summer of 2014.