Teton County Law Enforcement Center
Driggs, ID, USA
Teton County Idaho Public Works
Stormwater prevention plan for low-impact development
Hydrologic Analysis
Civil Engineering
Landscape Design
Construction Oversight
About the project
The Teton County Law Enforcement Center was constructed in 2013 in Driggs, Idaho, and was designed by JHS Architects.
How we did it
Harmony Design & Engineering provided site civil engineering design services for the Teton County Law Enforcement Center site. This included providing horizontal control, grading, drainage, erosion control, and utility plans, as well as associated details and construction specifications. Harmony also prepared a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that was used to obtain a NPDES construction permit and to guide storm water management and prevent pollution during and after construction.
The permanent storm water management system for the site combines low-impact development (LID) practices that focus on infiltrating storm water runoff near its source with a traditional curb, gutter, inlet, pipe, and detention system that is designed to handle the 100-year storm event.
LID best management practices (BMPs) incorporated into the site design include bioinfiltration swales and minimizing directly connected impervious areas. The detention system is preceded by water quality inlets and is designed to allow water to infiltrate into the ground and recharge the aquifer.
To inform the design of infiltration BMPs, Harmony conducted percolation testing on the site, which included supervising excavation and performing percolation tests at the locations.