West Little Streetscape Improvements
Driggs, ID, USA
City of Driggs
Blending pedestrian and bicycle safety and an attractive and inviting environment for tourists and residents.
Public Outreach
Landscape Design
Civil Engineering
Construction Oversight
About the project
The West Little Avenue improvement project focused on pedestrian and bicycle safety as well as creating an attractive and inviting environment for tourists and residents. Revitalization of West Little was a priority for both transportation and economic development reasons.
How we did it
Harmony Design & Engineering facilitated public outreach and provided final construction documents including plans and specifications, bid documents, bidding assistance, and construction management.
Public outreach included a public open house and an online survey to determine what design elements were most important to the community. The public open house was held in a highly visible storefront within the project area and focused on gathering feedback on design elements such as sidewalks, bike lanes, landscaping, pedestrian amenities, parking, and civic space. Additionally, several meetings were held with adjacent property owners and business owners individually and in groups throughout the design process.
As a result of public input, the final design included reducing the amount of pavement within the roadway to make room for landscaping, bike lanes, and wider sidewalks. Final engineering drawings included a demolition plan, grading plan, drainage plan, street plan, utility plan, landscaping plan, and signage and striping plan. Stormwater was treated with a combination of bioretention areas within the landscape buffer between the sidewalk and street and underground retention basins.
The project was funded by Idaho Transportation Department grants and was completed in early 2016. Construction costs were approximately $500,000.