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Expertise to enhance your project

Land Surveying


Clear and accurate land surveys are the foundation of our high-quality designs.

Professional land surveys are crucial for establishing clear property boundaries, which prevent legal disputes and support responsible development. They also provide essential data for planning and design, which helps avoid costly errors during construction. Our engineers have the opportunity to interact directly with our surveyors, providing you with better products. We use the latest technologies for our land and bathymetric surveys including the latest Trimble GNSS systems, Robotic Total Station equipment, and bathymetric echo sounders. 

  • Topographic land surveys

  • Bathymetric surveys

  • ALTA/NSPS land title surveys

  • Boundary surveys

  • Subdivision plats

  • Boundary line adjustments

  • Lot flagging

  • Corner monumentation

  • Record of survey

  • As-built surveys

  • Construction staking

  • Legal descriptions

  • Title research and review

Private Residence - Redtail, Driggs

FEMA Bathymetric Surveys for RiskMAP

Driggs Pathway Connections

Survey Projects
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Community Planning

Our community plans play a crucial role in shaping vibrant, inclusive neighborhoods that foster a sense of belonging.

Community plans also help ensure that resources are allocated equitably, promoting social, economic, and environmental well-being. We build our plans based on genuine public engagement that includes a variety of outreach tools tailored to each project.  Our staff is personable, professional, and versatile. Our leadership, charisma, and experience allow us to diffuse tensions even in the most stressful situations.  Harmony has a reputation for facilitating well-prepared presentations and, as a result, has earned the respect of communities and government officials throughout the Intermountain West. Our products are accessible, attractive, and useful to all levels of civil service, reflecting community values as a tool for effective decision making.

  • Park master plans

  • Greenway master plans

  • Bicycle and pedestrian master plans

  • Downtown master plans

  • Comprehensive plans

  • Conceptual subdivision master plans

  • Multi-day public design charrettes and workshops

  • Design charrette facilitation with multi-disciplined design teams

  • Advisory committee facilitation

  • Stakeholder consultation

FEMA Bathymetric Surveys for RiskMAP

Private Residence - Redtail, Driggs

Driggs Pathway Connections

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Landscape Architecture

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Landscape architecture is not just about plants, it encompasses the design and planning of outdoor spaces, combining art and science to create functional, sustainable, and aesthetically pleasing places.

From landscaping your dream home on a single-family lot to creating a smart-growth based subdivision, we use conservation design principles to create projects that balance the natural and built environments and enhance both functionality and beauty. Realizing that each project is unique, we conduct a comprehensive site analysis at the beginning of each project and then work closely with you, the community, and local jurisdictions to create spaces that simultaneously satisfy environmental, social, economic, and regulatory concerns. 

  • Residential site plans

  • Commercial site plans

  • Commercial and residential landscape design

  • Native and xeric landscape design

  • Mixed-use development site plans

  • Feasibility studies

  • Conservation subdivision development plans 

  • Traditional neighborhood design

  • Trail and pathway design

  • Park and playground design

  • Illustrative renderings

FEMA Bathymetric Surveys for RiskMAP

Private Residence - Redtail, Driggs

Driggs Pathway Connections

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Water Resources

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Through careful planning and innovative solutions, water resources engineering helps balance the needs of society with the preservation of natural ecosystems.

Water resources engineering is vital for managing and protecting the world's most essential resource—water. This field is crucial for mitigating the impacts of floods, droughts, and other water-related challenges, safeguarding public health, supporting agriculture, and promoting sustainable development. We provide complete hydrologic, hydraulic and floodplain mapping and survey services that meet FEMA's Guidance and Specifications, as well as a focus on alternative stormwater system designs using low-impact development principles and technologies such as bio-retention swales, rain gardens, constructed wetlands, and infiltration systems.

  • Hydrologic and hydraulic analysis

  • Floodplain analysis and mapping

  • River cross section (bathymetric) surveys

  • LOMR (MT-2) and LOMA (MT-1) FEMA applications

  • Bridge and culvert hydraulics

  • Bridge scour analysis

  • Regional stormwater master planning

  • Water quality enhancement design

  • Stormwater retention/detention system design

  • Culvert analysis and design

  • Nutrient-Pathogen evaluation

FEMA Bathymetric Surveys for RiskMAP

Private Residence - Redtail, Driggs

Driggs Pathway Connections

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If our civil engineers have done their job, you won’t think twice about the critical infrastructure that supports modern day life.

It is only when the toilet doesn’t flush or the road collapses, that there is a call for help. Our goal is to make sure that after your project is completed, that you rarely give a second thought to your road, bridge, water supply, or wastewater disposal system. Our approach to civil engineering is to work collaboratively with all members of the design team in order to deliver the most cost-effective and sustainable solution for every project. This integrated design approach saves time and money, and helps you take advantage of opportunities that may have been missed using a conventional linear process.

  • Roadway plans

  • Grading and Erosion Control (GEC) plans

  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)

  • Water distribution system design

  • On-site septic system design

  • Water supply system design

  • Wastewater collection system design

  • Pump station design

  • Construction administration

  • Construction bid documents and specifications

  • Construction cost estimating

  • IPDES permitting support

Civil Engineering


FEMA Bathymetric Surveys for RiskMAP

Private Residence - Redtail, Driggs

Driggs Pathway Connections

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We offer deep expertise within our field, combining professional skill with local knowledge and experience. Explore our services below to see how we can add value and help ensure the success of your project.

FEMA Bathymetric Surveys for RiskMAP

Private Residence - Redtail, Driggs

Driggs Pathway Connections

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Permitting & Entitlement


Our familiarity with process and regulations, as well as local insight, help keep your costs and time commitment low.  

From years of experience stewarding applications through multi-level approval processes, Harmony can accurately assess the steps required, cost, and time needed for development permitting and entitlement. You can benefit from our experience with local processes and our relationships with government officials within our tight-knit community. Our in-house planners, certified floodplain managers, surveyors, landscape architects, and engineers allow us to quickly create the necessary materials for compliance with land use standards. Tracking approval deadlines, understanding the municipal code requirements, and talking to the right people are invaluable services that Harmony can provide to make your life easier.   

  • Grading and Erosion Control Permitting (GEC) 

  • Floodplain Development Permitting (FPDP) 

  • FEMA LOMR/CLOMR applications 

  • Residential Subdivision Applications  

  • Zone Changes 

  • Conditional Use Permits (CUP) 

  • Plat Amendments 

  • Boundary Line Adjustments (BLA) 

  • Annexations 

  • Small Scale Land Divisions 

  • Design Review 

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